Our Services

Revived to Thrive provides the most comprehensive and individualized approach through the utilization of both a biblical and scientific lens to help you move from recovery to impact and thrive in the life you were designed for!

Choose to begin…

Betrayal Trauma Recovery

Thrive beyond betrayal!

The impacts of a spousal betrayal destroys more than just the covenant we were committed to, for both men and women alike who are betrayed. It invokes trauma (Betrayal Trauma) at our deepest inner level, at the very core of our being. Betrayal damages our sense of trust within ourselves and those around us. Our sense of safety has collapsed all around us leaving us feeling unprotected, exposed, and vulnerable. Significant shifts in our belief system, the way we view ourselves, our spouse and the world around us, altered. Self-hatred settles in. We feel hopeless, powerless, and unloveable.

Sound familiar?

Sex / Love Addiction Recovery

Recovery to Impact!

A powerful coaching package, that creates radical, long-lasting, and sustainable change that can be seen throughout every area of your life. Keep a forward focus as you gain clarity, empower you to overcome old habits and beliefs about yourself, achieve victory over your triggers, anxious & unwanted thoughts and destructive behaviours, build confidence, reignite the fire in your heart to pursue God, passions, and achieve your goals, grow in your faith, and much more.

It’s time to launch out!

Trauma Recovery

Determine to move from surviving to thriving and live and breathe again, healed.

Past traumatic experiences impact us at every level of our very being, hitting us at the very core, our identity. Our once secure foundation we thought we had is now shaken and unstable. Our lens of life completely altered and every detail of our life comes into question. Every move we make completed in hesitation as we no longer trust our own judgement. Trust for others is replaced with suspicion. Living our best life seems impossible.

I promise. You don’t have to stay here. This does not have to be the way your story reads.